ANS Forth: Standardising a Moving Language
Peter J. Knaggs
School of Design, Engineering and Computing,
Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus,
Poole, Dorset, England. BH12 5BB
Developing a standard for a computer language has never been easy, especially
for extendible languages. Everybody wants to see their "standard"
addition included, without regard to anothers. The standardisation process is
not the place to make recommendations for extensions to the language, but
rather to consolidate existing practice.
Thus, I would like to suggest we adopt a three-stage process. In which
additions and extensions to the language are accepted. The standardisation
committee discusses them and they are either accepted for trial or rejected.
Accepted suggestions are placed on an offcial notice board for developers
to adopt and/or experiment with and comment on.
After a suitable period, no less than four years, the committee will take the
trial suggestions (and comments) and consider them for inclusion in the
standard. This will make the whole process simpler, as most of the argument
will have occurred during the review period. Hence the standardisation process
becomes what it should be, one of consolidating current practice.
1 Introduction
As anyone involved in the process will know, creating a standard is a very
diffculty and time consuming process. The ANS Forth standard required just
23 meetings of the Technical Committee (TC) lasting for a total of 88 days.
The resulting standard was a concise document with just 124 pages for the
definition of the core language and its standard libraries [ANS94], compared
to some 256 pages for the definition of the Ada '95 core language with an
additional 207 pages for the standard libraries [ISO95a]. The Ada '95 standard
required an additional book of approximately 430 pages giving the rationale
[ISO95b] as opposed to Forth's 52 pages of rationale and 32 pages of additional
informative material. The Forth standard is just 208 pages (both Normative and
Informative) compared to Ada's 900 or so pages.
Unlike most languages Forth faces a peculiar problem in that it is one of the
few languages that supports interactive development. This leads to an
interesting position, in that most advanced Forth programmers will either have
their own private language extension's that they would like to see become
standard or indeed have developed a personal version of the language. Whilst
it is true that other languages have to face this situation, variants in the
language --- this is after all the reason a standard is being producing, they
seldom have as many different variants to take into consideration.
As each developer has their own language extension's that they consider to be
standard they recommend their extension to the technical committee, for
adoption into the standard. The purpose of a standard is to
"consolidate existing practice" where this is possible. The
adoption of private extensions of an individual developer, no matter how well
developed, can not be considered to be consolidation of existing practice.
2 A Solution
The main problem with these private extension's is that they have been
developed over time and normally present a well thought out approach to
a particular problem, it's just that they are not in common usage. There
is also a question as to what should be done to cater for those areas of the
standard that where left unaddressed due to a lack of consensus.
The procedure's provide for the case where the (TC) are unable to establish a
standard due to lack of consensus [NCI97]. Under these rules, it is possible
for the TC to recommend the creation of a Task Group (TG) to investigate the
area concerned, generating a Technical Report (TR) giving a possible standard.
Assuming the community accepts the report there will be a consensus when the
standard comes around for review. There are a number of areas that fall into
this category, these include but are not limited to:
- Internationalisation/Localisation
- Graphics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Event Handling
- Exception Handling
- Programming Languages Interface
- Multitasking
- Portable Libraries
Given that there is this procedure for investigating large areas perhaps the
procedure could be adapted for dealing with individual developers private
3 Three Phase Process
In this way is would be possible for the individual developer to effect the
standard by having their own extension's accepted, although after a period of
public review. This is in addition to any TGs the TC may wish to convene to
address particular issues. A three stage process is suggested which would
allow for the continues development of the standard.
3.1 Stage One
Developers make their suggestion on an ad-hoc basis, giving details of their
suggestions, possible methods of implementation, and the rational. The
developer may choose to publish this information at conference, as a paper in
"The Journal of Forth Application and
Research", as an article in
"Forth Dimensions",
or independently, but they must also send it to the TC.
These "candidate proposals" will be posted on a public notice board
for all to review (It is proposed that this "public notice board" is
part of a proposed extended
ANS Forth web site).
Once a year the TC will vote on the candidate proposals, deciding whether to
accept them or not. The authors of rejected candidate proposals will receive a
communication from the TC giving the reasons for the rejection.
3.2 Stage Two
Accepted proposals are put out to public review/comment, via the notice board.
The period of public review can be no less than four years. In response to the
public comment the author may wish to withdraw or re-draft the proposal.
Re-drafted proposals will be required to start their period of public
review anew.
3.3 Stage Three
When the review of the standard comes around on its five-year cycle the TC
will review those proposals that have survived the minimum review period.
The author may be asked to re-draft the proposal in more suitable language.
The TC may ask for final comments relating to these proposals, before
considering them for incorporation into the standard.
4 Summary
Forth faces a peculiar problem in that it supports interactive development. A
consequence of this is that each developer has their own extensions, which
they consider to be standard, they would like their extension accepted into
the standard. The standardisation procedures allow for the formation of Task
Groups to make recommendation's as to the future direction of a standard, but
this should be kept in reserve for the larger area of dierence (Multitasking
or Object Oriented Program for example).
A three-stage process outwith the offcial procedure is proposed:
- Developers put forward "candidate proposals". These proposals
are reviewed by the TC, which will either accept or reject them.
- Accepted proposals are put out to public review for a period of at least
four years.
- The TC will review the surviving proposals as part of the standard
five-year cycle, accepting them into the standard or not depending on
the public comments.
Provided this proposal is acceptable to the TC it will provide the community
with a method of extending the standard, yet allowing the standard to keep its
offcial role as a description of existing practice.
The five-year review cycle built into the offcial procedures, along with the
proposed procedure will allow for a continuously developing, or rolling,
- [ANS94]
- American National Standards Institute. ANS for Information Systems
--- Programming Languages --- Forth, 1994. ANSI X3.215-1994.
- [ISO95a]
- International Organisation for Standardisation. Information
Technology --- Programming Languages --- Ada: Reference Manual, 1995.
ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E)--RM95;6.0.
- [ISO95b]
- International Organisation for Standardisation. Information
Technology --- Programming Languages --- Ada: Rationale, 1995.
ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E)--R95;6.0.
- [NCI97]
- National Committee for Information Technology Standards.
Organization, Rules, and Procedures of NCITS,
July 1997. NCITS/SD-2.